Friday, November 16, 2007


Last night Chase, Preston, and I all went to see Go Diego Go Live. Chase loved it. He seemed really serious while we were there and was totally mesmerized. But then when the break came in the middle he was really upset that it went off. He kept wanting us to "turn it back on" like the TV. haha. There was a lot of crowd interaction and he was totally into it. He would point everything out...answer questions...growl when he was suppose to growl....etc. When it was all over he actually cried when we left the building and said "Go Again, Go Again". haha. And he was still talking about it and playing with his Baby Jaguar mask this morning!


hejlyeah said...

I wonder if Cooper would like something like that. Sounds like fun!

Melanie said...
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Melanie said...

It was good to see you guys there. You guys make great animal rescuers!

The Mangus Family said...

What happened to your website????