Monday, January 23, 2006

oh the stupidity...

Man I hate it when I lose my keys. We have no back-up key to our car to if I lose them it's bad news. I REALLY hate it when I call and make plans with someone (say...Jen for example) and then realize my keys are no where to be found. ahhhh. My friend has had a rough week....I want to hang out and chat with her....we make plans at 1:30 to meet at 2:00....she gets herself and her kid all loaded up and leaves....I'm stuck at my house....I apologize and we decide to meet later in the hour later I find my keys in my coat pocket. And you know a month ago I did the exact same thing...left my keys in my pocket and couldn't find them for a while. You would think that would be the first place I would look. But no, it didn't even cross my mind until too late. Sorry Jen. :(

Anywho, here's some video I forgot I had from our trip to Colorado Springs. This is Chase and Preston in the hotel pool. Click to see the video...

A little while later:
Oh, and guess what Chase just did! Just since I wrote this post he has clapped his hands! I've been noticing he was thinking about doing it when I help him clap or when he watches me clap. Today I saw him acting like he wanted to so I clapped and then clapped his hands for him and then he did it himself! Way to go kid!


leslie said...

I am the QUEEN of losing keys. I can't even count the number of times I have lost them, locked them in the car, etc. Fortunately, I live close to work b/c I have had to walk on more than one occasion.

That video was so sweet. I can't wait to see ya'll at Sing Song!

hejlyeah said...

CUTIE! Sing Song or die.

He's so friggin big!