I'm feeling the need to post some of the recent conversations that I've had with Chase. Here goes:
Chase: Where we going?
Me: We're going home.
Chase: Where we going home?
Me: To our house.
Chase: Where we going to our house.
Me: In our neighborhood.
Chase: Where we going in our neighborhood?
Me: To our house.
Chase: Where we going to our house.
I turn the radio up loud.
(At church)
Chase: Where's God?
Me: In heaven.
Chase: Is that heaven (pointing at the front of the auditorium where the man is praying)
(at church before the offering)
Me: Here's some money for you to put in the plate. We're going to give this money to God to use in the church.
Chase looks wide eyed at the teenager that is holding the plate out for him.
Me: No, that's not God...he's just passing the plate.
Chase: Cars tee tee in the potty.
Me: No they don't.
Chase: Where do they tee tee.
Me: No, they don't tee tee at all.
Chase: Do tigers tee tee in the potty?
Me: No, they tee tee in the grass.
Chase: Like Lucy? (our dog)
Me: Yeah, just like Lucy.
Chase: Do lions tee tee in the potty?
Me: No, they tee tee in the grass too.
(and so on with like all the animals Chase can think of)
Chase is kind of into "always" statements:
"Cars always drive on the road."
"Babies always cry."
"Dogs always tee tee in the grass."
This is not a conversation but an interesting
fact. Chase is REALLY into water towers right now. He looks for them when we are driving around. He'll point out the same ones over and over as if they are new
every time!
Chase and friends at the zoo, watching the giant turtle eat lunch.