Friday, December 19, 2008

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Thursday, December 11, 2008

A Few Fun/Funny Things

So I found Chase putting his new dinosaur stickers to use yesterday.
Raise your hand if you're cute when you sleep.
Last Saturday we went to a kid's Christmas party put on by Preston's work. It was at Incredible Pizza. Chase (and Preston) had lots of fun!
Notice little sister checking out the cool game. I have a feeling Preston will have 2 kids wanting to sit in his lap next year!
Preston and Chase on the race cars!
Sometimes Preston drives too fast....
...and causes a pile-up. haha.
The kids got to talk to Santa and have a picture made.
Chase told Santa he wants a scooter...I have a feeling Santa might pull through. ;)

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

4 Months

Ava is now four months old! She had a doctor appointment today and she continues to be 50% in weight, height, and head size (12.8 lbs, 24 in, 16 1/4 in).

Thanksgiving Fun!

We had a great time during the week of Thanksgiving in Alabama with Preston's side of the family. It was great getting to see everyone and Ava finally got to meet family she had never seen before!

Four generations of Watterson's
This is us out to dinner in case you were wondering what it looks like.

Another Four Generations

Trip to Maryland and DC

I tagged along with Preston on a business trip to DC a few weeks ago. We went up early and spent a wonderful time in Maryland at a bed and breakfast right on the Chesapeake Bay. Super Fun. Here are a few pics:

Random November Stuff

Here are a few randoms from November:

Making cookies....this is just shortly before he actually took a hand full of flour and rubbed it on his stomach and his jeans....nice.
Happy Baby
Ava with Aunt Amy
Chase with granddaddy on the farm
Two kids on a horse
Piglet is very interesting (and yes, she really is that bald!)
Chase playing doctor. He's taking her blood pressure with his toy medical kit. ha.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Hey Friends

Hey everyone. It's mid November and for me that means photo Christmas cards are in full swing! I just wanted to throw out a 20% coupon code to Photo Card Cafe' for anyone who wants it. Just type this code into the shopping cart exactly like this (no spaces before or after): PCCBFFHOLID08

Take a look at the holiday photo card designs...

Oh and even if you don't know me at all feel free to use this code. :)

Monday, November 03, 2008

Halloween and Stuff

Halloween shirts...though you can't see much of Chase's
Little pumpkin
Captain Hook!
Bed time story
Three months old.
Brother and sister.
Out with the old (and broken)

In with the new. (it's a Honda Pilot if you can't tell)

Thursday, October 30, 2008


So as most of you probably know, me and the kids were in a wreck last week. We're all fine as well as the drivers of the two other vehicles. It was pretty scary though...I mean I completely freaked out which is way out of character for me. But seriously, what if one of my babies would have been hurt?

All three cars had to be towed and I found out yesterday that my car as well as one of the other cars was totaled. So who's insurance is paying for all of this? That would be mine.

Here are a few pics. I never even saw the other side of my car where it actually hit. I assume it's much worse.

Word to the wise for all of you moms and dads out there: If your baby is crying in the car....just let them cry. You never know what might happen in those few seconds you are reaching back trying to dig the pacifier out of the car seat.
So now I'm on the hunt for a new car. That has an up and down side.
1) I get to go car shopping!
2) I have to go car shopping.....with the budget nazi...aka Preston (just you honey)
Oh and also...the wrecking yard (in the "bad" part of town) is a really scary place to go by yourself.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Typical Day

Wanna know what the typical day for a work-at-home mom looks like. Well here ya go:

One kid in my lap, one leaning on me, coffee in hand, pacifier hooked on finger ready when needed, cell phone in hand, and laptop open for business. :)

Cute father/son pic:

A few fall pics: