Sunday, June 24, 2007

TV help

So I have absolutely NO television shows that I'm into right now. Any suggestions? I like to have at least one that I can record.

(And if you dare say "America's Got Talent" we can't be friends any more....watched it last night for the first time....LAME!.......just kidding, if you like that one we can still be friends....but I'll think you're weird.)

So I've been sick for the last few days. Not fun. I have moments of feeling well and then not. The worst is that I ran a temperature for part of the night the last two nights. Boo. But I'm not writing to boo hoo over being sick (though I'm feeling much better). I just thought it would be interesting to compare and contrast me being sick vs. Chase being sick (this assumes Preston is at work...he's really good about doing EVERYTHING when I'm sick and helping with Chase when he is sick).

Me being sick with a temperature:
I lay on the couch most of the day with a one-year-old crawling on top of me

Chase being sick with a temperature:
I lay on the couch most of the day with a one-year-old crawling on top of me

That about sums it up.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

These are a few of my favorite things...

Here are a few random facts and stories about Chase and even one about his friend. (The friend one is the best so if you skip any, skip to the bottom.)

So a funny thing that Chase has taken to saying is "It's dark in here" (which he learned from his granddaddy while playing peek-a-boo under a blanket). Now when we go in a dark room or something he always says it. It's really funny though b/c it sounds like he's saying "there's a dork in here". I don't know if he's talking about himself or me. But when he pulls a blanket over his head and says "there's a dork in here"...I think it's pretty clear who the dork under the blanket is.

We're in a phase where you can't tell him something like you're going to see Grammy next week or that you're going to play with your friends at the zoo tomorrow. He's ready to go now. There's no talking about it until we're getting in the car.

Last weekend we went to pick up our friends for a late dinner on Saturday....I went to the door while Chase and Preston waited in the car. Our friend Amanda walked out then forgot something and walked back in. Chase had a complete melt down b/c I guess he thought she wasn't coming, "MAAAANNNNDAAAA"

He was singing the song Mary had a little Lamb the other day. It's mostly humming with a few recognizable words mixed in. Almost every time he sings this song he asks where Mary is or says something else random about her. Mary is his Sunday school teacher and one of our friends...I truly believe he thinks the song is about her.

And my last random story is not about my kid but it is so funny. We were with some friends on Monday when two of Chase's friends, Ty and Carter (both 3 years old), got really interested in our friend Kacy's pregnant belly. Thy found her belly button fascinating and wanted to hear about baby Jack.
Kacy: "There's a baby in my belly."
Carter: "Did you eat it?"


Friday, June 15, 2007

10 years...

A question I've seen many of my friends post on their blogs lately is "what were you doing 10 years ago?" Well 10 years ago I was graduating from High School. Has it really been that long? So crazy!!! This last weekend I attended my 10-year reunion. It was really fun seeing everyone. Most people hadn't changed that much and/or were exactly how you expected them to be. I confess that I studied my old year book at my parents house before I went. haha. But I did know pretty much everyone's name. We had a lunch at a park and then a catered dinner that evening. Here's a picture from the park:

While we were there Chase had a fun time with Grammy and Granddaddy:

Cool hats dudes!

The week before Chase, Mom, and I headed out Abilene to visit Amy and Pete. We had a great time with them. Since then Pete has left for Iraq so be praying for him.

Mom Chase and Amy just a swingin'

Amy Pete and Chase