Sunday, September 23, 2007

Our First Family Camping Trip....sort of

So the three of us decided to go camping on Friday night. We went out to a camp site not too far from our house. We had a great time walking down to the lake, setting up our tent, building a camp fire, making S'mores, following a frog around, looking at the cool bugs, etc. We even camped right next to a playground so Chase was in heaven! All was well and when we finally got ready for bed the three of us got in the tent and settled down. It was pretty hot but not terrible (though Chase was pretty sweaty since he runs everywhere he goes). We brought our lap top to watch a movie on since we knew it would take a two-year-old a while to settle down in a new environment. We watched Shrek and by the time it was over our blow up mattress was COMPLETELY deflated. I mean flat. We didn't have anything else to put under ourselves so it was literally like laying flat on the ground. I wasn't about to complain since I knew Preston had been wanting to take Chase camping for a long time. So we toughed it out for a while...a very short while...before Preston looked over at me and said it's only 11:00. I was like, "you've got to be kidding me." I just knew it was at least 2:00. Preston asked me if I wanted to go home and I quickly said "YES!" So we were home by about 11:30. Oh well...good try. :)

Here we all are on our way back home from our big camping trip (cool head lamp dude):

Oklahoma State Fair

We went to the OK State Fair last weekend with Judson and Amanda and we had a really fun time. I LOVE fair food! Chase even got to ride a few rides!

He was a little worried at first...
But then he loved it!
On the Merry-Go-Round with mommy
Amanda and her candy apple ;)
Chase went down the big slide with Judson! So fun! When they were back down Chase said "more, more, more...."

Notice the new buz cut! (Preston...not me.)

Saturday, September 15, 2007


I LOVE the feeling of fall. After a hot summer it's a welcome change. We went to the park last night with some friends and it was awesome weather...I even wore a jacket! Now when the leaves start to turn it will officially be my favorite time of year!

Here are a few randoms about Chase for those of you who would like to know:

  • He likes to have clothes and shoes on. Kind of strange for a kid I think. I changed his diaper this morning and just left him to run around in a shirt and diaper....he came up to me twice saying "pants on, pants on" in this really whiny voice. haha.
  • He still sucks his thumb while his other hand plays with his belly button when he is tired (see second pic below)
  • He is NOT a morning person. I have to wake him up at least 15 min. before he needs to get out of bed b/c he gets really mad when he has to get up before he is ready. He says "Get my bed, Get my bed!" Wow! Sounds like me! (I've been known to snooze for like 45 minutes in the morning....and my alarm goes off every 4 minutes.)
  • He loves playing with his friends. Almost every morning when we get in the car I tell him where we are going to go and he asks "With Ty, Carer, Bray, Efin?" (That's Ty, Carter, Brady, and Ethan for the grown ups.)
  • His favorite thing to play with is his Easter Eggs. He sorts them by size and carts them around in his tricycle, easter basket, and anything else he can think of
  • He is getting really good at saying "please" and "thank you"
  • His favorite shows are Diego, Dora, and Little Einsteins
  • He can say his ABC's, count to 20, and knows all the main colors. He can count objects pretty well too but only to like 4....he loses count after that
  • And much more but I'm tired of typing....

Here are some random pictures:

Our Church group went on a class retreat last weekend. Very fun! The weather was a little rainy but some of us braved the river anyway!

Chase and some of his friends! (I may have stolen the next two pics from a friends blog!)
Ladies Man!
Ring a Round the Rosie!
They all just started holding hands at the zoo! So cute!
Another pic at the zoo

Wednesday, September 05, 2007